Wednesday, October 21, 2009

therapy, therapy, therapy

Yes, I said therapy 3 times. Its for a reason. We're now going to have 3 therapies a week. Yikes! When all I really want to do it stay home, in my sweat pants and bake and craft, now I have to get up early, clean and go the therapy unit. Lovely.

I know that its not all about me. I've been learning that since I gave birth to Joshua 4 years ago. I am thrilled that Lucas is going to be getting treatment and this will help in so many ways. He is doing great and this will just help him succeed.

We have occupational therapy and vision on Monday mornings at home. Speech therapy will start Tuesday morning at home too. And we'll be scheduling physical therapy soon. I am hoping to get that one scheduled during Joshua's school time so that I don't have to find childcare for him.

Overall, this just keeps us all busy. Which I suppose is a good thing. I guess I can find the time to craft and bake on the other days. Hopefully. I love fall because it just means that I get to bake more and be crafty! Yea!

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